Liste  des publications

Makarenko N.







Makarenko N.Yu. (2011):  Groups and Lie rings with Frobenius groups of automorphisms. To appear in  Proc. of Ischia Group Theory 2010, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore.


Khukhro E.I.,  Makarenko N. Yu., Shumyatsky P. (2010):  Frobenius groups of automorphisms  and their fixed points. Preprint.  Submitted  in J. of London Math. Soc.


Khukhro E. I., Makarenko N. Yu. (2009):   Graded Lie-type algebras with finite-dimensional identity component, en préparation. Preprint . Novosibirsk.




Articles  publiés dans des revues  scientifiques


[1]   Makarenko N. Yu.,  Khukhro E.I.,  Shumyatsky P. (2011):  Fixed points of Frobenius groups of automorphisms, Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2011, том 437, N 1, P. 20–23,  arxiv:1010.0343 .


 [2]  Makarenko N. Yu.,  Shumyatsky P. (2010):  Frobenius groups as groups of automorphisms, Proc. of the Amer. Math. Soc.,   V. 138, N 10, P. 3425–3436. Zbl 05808250


[3]  Khukhro E. I. Klyachko A. A., Makarenko N. Y., Melnikova Y. B.(2009): Automorphism invariance and identities,  Bull. of  London Math. Soc. 2009, V. 41 (5), P. 804—816.  (arXiv:0812.1359v1)


[4] Khukhro E. I., Makarenko N. Yu.,  Shumyatsky P. (2008): Nilpotent ideals in graded Lie algebras and almost constant-free derivations,    Communications in Algebrа,  V. 36, N 5,  P. 1869—1882.  Zbl 05303484    


[5] Khukhro E. I., Makarenko N. Yu. (2008): Automorphically-invariant ideals satisfying multilinear commutator identities, and group-theoretical applications,  J. of Algebra, V. 320, N 4,  P. 1723-1740.  Zbl 1163.17002


[6] Khukhro E. I., Makarenko N. Yu.(2007):  Large characteristic subgroups satisfying multilinear commutator identities,  J. of  London Math. Soc.     V. 75, N 3, 635-646.  Zbl 1132.20013


[7]  Khukhro E. I., Makarenko N. Yu. (2007):  Characteristic nilpotent subgroups of bounded co-rank and automorphically-invariant nilpotent ideals of bounded codimension in Lie algebras, Quarterly J. Math.  V. 58,  N 2,  229247.    Zbl 1147.17007   


[8]  Makarenko N. Yu., Khukhro E. I. (2007): Large characteristic subgroups satisfying multilinear commutator identities, Doklady mathematics, V. 75, N 1,  112114.


[9]  Makarenko N. Yu. (2007): Graded Lie algebras with a few non-trivial components, Sib. Math. J., V. 48, N 1, 95111.  

Zbl 1164.17018   


[10]   Makarenko N. Yu., Khukhro E. I. (2006): Finite groups with an almost regular automorphism of order 4, Algebra and logic, V. 45, N 5, 326343.  Zbl 1156.20022


[11]  Makarenko N. Yu. (2005): A nilpotent ideal in the Lie rings with automorphism of prime order, Sib. Math. J., V. 46, N 6, 10971107.   Zbl 1118.17003


[12]  Makarenko N. Yu. ,Khukhro E. I., (2004): Almost solubility of Lie algebras with almost regular  automorphisms,  J. of Algebra, V. 277, N 1, 370407.   Zbl 1060.17004


[13]  Makarenko N. Yu., Khukhro E. I.  (2003): Almost solvability of Lie algebras with almost regular automorphisms,  Doklady Mathematics,  V. 68, N 3,  325326.


[14]  Khukhro E. I., Makarenko N. Yu. (2003): Lie rings with almost regular automorphisms, J. of Algebra, V.264, N 2, 641664.

Zbl 1035.17019


[15]  Makarenko N.Yu., Khukhro E. I. (2003): Groups with largely splitting automorphisms of order three and four, Algebra and logic, V. 42, N 3, 165176.  Zbl 1031.20034


[16]  Makarenko N. Yu. (2001): Finite 2-groups with automorphisms of order 4, Algebra and Logic, 2001. V. 40, N 1, 4856.  Zbl 0979.20023


[17]  Makarenko N. Yu. (2000): Rank analogues of Hall and Baer theorems,   Sib. Math. J.,  V. 41,  N 6, 11371140.  

Zbl 0979.20022


[18]  Makarenko N. Yu., Khukhro E. I.  (1998): Lie rings admitting an automorphism of order 4 with few fixed points II, Algebra and Logic, V. 37,  N 2,  7891.  Zbl 0903.17008


[19]  Makarenko N. Yu., Khukhro E. I. (1996): Nilpotent groups with an almost regular automorphisms of order four, Algebra and logic, V. 35, N 3, 176187.  Zbl 0936.20032  


[20]  Makarenko N. Yu., Khukhro E. I.  (1996): Lie rings admitting an automorphism of order 4 with few fixed points, Algebra and logic, V. 35, N 1, 2143.  


[21]  Makarenko N. Yu. (1994): On nilpotent groups with an almost regular automorphism of prime order, Siberian Math. J., V. 35, N 3, 564565.  Zbl 0851.20032


[22]  Makarenko N. Yu. (1993): Finite 2-groups admitting an automorphisms of order 4 with few fixed points, Algebra and Logic, V.32, N 4, 215230.  Zbl 0832.20035


[23]  Makarenko N. Yu. (1992): On almost regular automorphisms of prime order, Siberian Math. J., V. 33, N 5, 932934. 

Zbl 0786.20025



Communications publiées lors de congrès ou de colloques


[24] Makarenko N. Yu. (2007): Large characteristic subgroups and their applications to almost regular automorphisms,  “Antalya algebra days IX, dedicated B.Hartley”,  2729.


[25] Makarenko N. Yu. (2006): The method of generalized centralizers in group and ring theory,

Methods of logic in mathematics III,  St. Petersburg, June 17,  P. 11. 


[26] Vasil’ev A. V., Vdovin E. P., Makarenko N. Yu., Maslakova O.S., Revin D. O. (2004):     Characterization of groups: arithmetical properties, automorphisms, combinatorial methods, Proceedings of the conference of young scientists SB RAS dedicated to M.A.Lavrentiev, Part I, Novosibirsk,  1115  (en russe).


[27] Vasil’ev A. V., Vdovin E. P., Makarenko N. Yu., Maslakova O.S., Revin D. O.,  Zavarnitsyn A. V. (2003): Characterization of groups: arithmetical properties, automorphisms, combinatorial methods, Proceedings of the conference of young scientists SB RAS dedicated to M.A.Lavrentiev, Part I, Novosibirsk,  1318  (en russe).


[28] Vasil’ev A. V., Vdovin E. P., Makarenko N. Yu.,  Zavarnitsyn A. V.

 (2002): Theory of finite groups and Lie algebras, Proceedings of the conference of young scientists SB RAS dedicated to M.A.Lavrentiev, Part I, Novosibirsk, 1619  (en russe).


[29] Vasil’ev A. V., Vdovin E. P., Makarenko N. Yu., Pozhidaev A. P.,  Zavarnitsyn A. V. (2000): Finite groups and Lie algebras, Proceedings of the conference of young scientists dedicated to M.A.Lavrentiev,  811  (en russe).


[30] Makarenko N. Yu. (2000): Rank analogues of Hall and Baer theorems, IV International algebraic conference, Novosibirsk,  P. 111 (en russe).


[31] Makarenko N. Yu. (1998):  Finite 2-groups with automorphisms of order four,  International Congress of Mathematicians. 18-27 August ,  Berlin, Germany. Ad-hoc presentation. Electronic version


[32] Makarenko N. Yu., Khukhro E.I. (1996):  Nilpotent groups with almost regular automorphisms of order four, International conference “Group theory: finite to infinite”, Italy, Il Ciocco, P. 16.


[33] Makarenko N. Yu., Khukhro E.I. (1995):  Lie rings admitting almost regular automorphisms of order four,  AllUkrainian scientific conference, L’vov,  P. 56.


[34] Makarenko N. Yu. (1993): Оn finite 2-groups admitting an automorphism  4,   Third international algebraic conference, Krasnojarsk,  P. 217 (en russe).





[35]  Makarenko N. Yu. (2007): Petits centralisateurs dans les groupes et les anneaux de Lie, Thèse d’État, Institut des Mathématiques  de l'Académie des Sciences de Russie, Novosibirsk,   214 pages (en Russe).

Le résumé de la thèse (en russe):


 [36]  Makarenko N. Yu. (1996):  Automorphismes presque réguliers des groupes nilpotents, la Thèse de 3ème cycle pour le  degré scientifique russe “Candidat en Sciences physiques et mathématiques“ (Ph.D),  Université d'État de Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk, Russie (en Russe).